William Flawn

Wednesday 10 September 2008


1. A still from Erwin Blumenfeld's film Abstraction & Distortion. A pioneer of camera trickery and interesting advertising techniques. His other films are here...

2. This is another still, from the film La Jette. The original silent film from which 12 monkeys stole it's plot.

3. I Love old photos and collect some from charity shops. This is an amazing one of some french monks ( from the internet)

4. Another old photo, taken from a set of children dressing up in the 50's. Such a dark image

5. A small section from one of bosch's paintings. One of my favourite artists.

6. Still from the film Holy Mountain. Its an amzingly surreal and disturbing film. Has some very vivid imagery.

7. Another old photo, this from a series of irish prisoners. The series is 100+ strong but this photo really stood out to me.

8. One of Jim Houser's paintings.
9. Some of Seu Trinh's photography. One of the most original skate photographers out there. In a world of fish eye lenses from the bottom of stairs, His images are always different.

10. A piece by bruno 9li. He has one of the most fluid and origianl character styles i've seen in ages.

Tuesday 9 September 2008